Electro-Pneumatic (EP) Brake Universal Test Bench:-
This test bench is used to test EP brake valves which are used in EP Brake Assist/ Controller. There are total 7 different types of valves like Triple Valve, stabilizing valve, Pressure Limiter Valve, Magnet Valve, Stabilizing Valve etc. which we can test on the test bench.

This is a Semiautomatic Test Bench, which can be upgraded to Fully Automatic Test Bench by adding several Pneumatic or Electrical Components inside the test bench. In this test bench there are 16 Pressure Sensors & 2 Electro-Pneumatic Regulator to test all the Valves. The sequence for testing each test objects has been displayed and operator has just to follow the sequence. The test component has been tested one by one after selecting from type. After completion of test, the test report has been saved automatically in different folder as per the type selected by the user.